About us

About us

We are a family operated business established since 25th February 2000. Chef Sylvain first started in the business with the original founders of the business (part of the original pancake kitchen) in 2006 and took over managing in December 2014.

We support the local community and economy by using as much local produce as possible, such as local suppliers and farms for our quality meats, fresh fruit and vegetables and South Australian eggs.

We pride ourselves on quality and customer focus. A strong French influence is present due to being raised in France and trained as a qualified chef from a young age. Over twenty five years of commercial cookery in both France and Australia has increased the quality of our freshly prepared products which are now almost all hand-made onsite.

Our customer service leader was born and raised in Thailand under a very traditional setting and is very experienced in the international hotel industry. As an equal opportunity employer we have a very multicultural team with all staff members varying in age groups and ethnicities from around the globe, they are experienced and continuing to grow with recurring training and support in their roles.

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